Dr. Nolan - "Why do you value your failures more than your successes?"
House - "...successes only last until someone screws them up. Failures are forever."
Dr. Nolan - "So, you accept that fact? You accept that there is nothing you can do?"
House - "Okay, I accept the fact that there's nothing I can do. Now, what can I do?"
Dr. Nolan - "You acknowledge failure. And you move past it. You apologize."
House - "Wow. Powerful things these apologies. Get someone to jump off a building and you say two words and you move on with your life. Hardly seems fair."
Dr. Nolan - "You caused him pain. If the world is just, you have to suffer equally?" (Nolan chuckles.) "You're not God, House. You're just another screwed-up human being who needs to move on. Apologize to him. Let yourself feel better. Then you can learn to let yourself keep feeling better."
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