The team tries to diagnose condition that leaves the patient saying anything that he thinks, no matter whom it hurts.
Kutner - "No nasal cancer and no marriage either if our patient keeps saying everything that comes into his head without regard for the consequences"
Wilson (looks accusingly at House)- "You always led me to believe you were one of a kind."
Kutner - "Luckily, jerkiness is a temporary condition for this guy."
House - "No, it's not. We may be able to fix his impulse to say his thoughts out loud, but he's always going to be the guy who thinks them."
Wilson - "He's also gonna be the guy who doesn't say them. If he's spent his whole life constructing the nice guy persona, isn't that as much who he really is as anything else?"
House - "You would argue that. You're all persona."
House - "Anyone sitting here?"
Wilson - "Just my persona."
House (takes half of Wilson's lunch)- "It's amazing the way people cling to insults. Or what they think are insults."
Wilson - "That wasn't an insult?"
House - "I'm not suggesting that like our patient you are hiding a dark sarcastic core under a candy shell of compulsive niceness."
Wilson - "I'm not always nice. I'm not nice to you."
House - "Because you know nice bores me. Hence, still nice. No, I'm suggesting you have no core. You're what whoever you're with needs you to be.... The interesting question is why. Why do you think the world will end if you're not there to save it?
Wilson - Because when my parents put me in the rocket and sent me here, they said, "James, you will grow to manhood under a yellow sun..."
Wilson - "House, you and I, we don't have the normal social contract. I don't expect you to tell me lies that..."
House - "I am fully capable of lying to you. I've lied plenty of times."
Wilson - "I mean collaborative lies. Giving sonmeone a hand who maybe need to deceive themselves just a little. For two days I've been thinking about how Danny's (Wilson's missed brother) going to react when he sees me, If I said that to anybody else they'd sat, 'Don't worry.'
You wouldn't."
House - "Because it might go horribly wrong."
Wilson - "Yeah. Yeah. It might."
House - "Does it bother you that we have no social contract?"
Wilson - "My whole life is one big compromise. I tiptoe around everyone like they're made of china. I spend all my time analyzing 'what will the effect be if I say this?' Then there's you. You're a reality junkie. And if I'd offered you a comforting lie you'd smack me over the head with it. Let's not change that."
House - "Okay."
Wilson - "No, see this!? If you were implementing the social contract, you'd say that, but only because it makes me feel better." (Wilson seems confused)
House - "It is kind of fun watching you torture yourself."
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